Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises. Thoughts.

     I recently saw the new Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises," which in my opinion was one of if not the best superhero movie to ever be created. As a matter of fact a friend asked me on the way out if i thought it was better than Avengers and i answered instantly with a yes. But when he asked me why I could not think of an answer. But now that I've have time to conjure up a response I have an answer to that question which I will supply right now.

     Now I dont want to spoil to much, but there are only about 25 minutes of movie time with batman actually in it. Now I see how this could be a problem to some but following the story this makes perfect sense. One of my friends explained it as a movie with barman in it more than a batman movie which is a great way to  put it. While I agree with this argument this does not ruin the movie. You could compare it to how long the heroes in the Avengers were on screen but there was what 6 of them? Also the Avengers was simply an action movie to me with not much of a story which brings me to my next point.

     There is one undeniable fact about this whole Batman trilogy the story was amazing. Christopher Nolan along with the help of a great cast ( Heath Ledgers Joker especially R.I.P.) made these movies great. Whats so great about them is that rather your a hardcore batman fan or just looking for a good movie to watch these movies work for both. For example in Batman Begins, Batman is trained by Raj Al Ghoul which is an important character in the batman universe. But for  those not familiar he is shown simply as a  ninja leader.

     Back to the point was The Dark Knight Rises the best superhero movie ever? It's debateable and ultimately left to the individual. Though no one can deny that Nolan's batman trilogy was great and will not be topped at least for a while in my opinion.

     Also I would like to send my condolences and prayers to the family and friends of those who died in the shooting in Colorado.

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