Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer of 2012


     Welp the days of staying up till 3a.m. and sleeping till 6 in the afternoon are just about over. Its the last days of summer before school. The time to go out and party and do whatever the cool kids do or if you like me think about all the things you should of done and what you're going to do next summer. For me summer was not all bad the last few weeks were filled with summer work for English I mean I feel like I'm in college or something. But the rest of it was pretty cool I hung out went to six flags a couple times and sat around trying not to melt while my AC was getting repaired. It all wasn't fun and games though I learned some extremely important life lessons like....

     The world is ending very soon.

. That picture is completely irrelevant I just wanted to get your attention. No I don't believe our demise well be due to traffic cone monstrosities or maybe it will. All I know is something is mad at us that could be the only reason for this crazy weather. There have been days with temperatures of up to 118 degrees and with around 105 being the norm its getting outrageous. I don't remember how it was last summer but I honestly do not think it was this bad. So maybe its global warming or God or its 2012 getting ready to happen but its hot. And I'm honestly not looking that forward to winter because if it feels like the this right now December is going to be like the north pole. Actually maybe that wouldn't be too bad.

     I've also done a lot of growing up this summer by this I mean pretty much I noticed I am getting older. I was talking to my cousin about him going to college and me visiting when he made a remark that I'd be there for myself in a couple years. Not only that I got my first job this summer. Also I think I have done a fair deal of maturing in general. I've realized what I believe I want to do with my life and I've stopped taking peoples crap pretty much. I've started doing what I want and what makes me happy because I've realized that's whats important.


I don't know maybe its these couple chin hairs or my license I'm getting next month but somethings got me felling older.

     One more thing i discovered this summer is a love for things I used to hate. For example I've spent a lot of time outside this time around. After killing every dragon in Skyrim I ran out of stuff to do and decided to actually open my front door for a reason other than to meet the pizza guy. And I loved it minus the heat being outside is relaxing and refreshing especially at night time. Also writing is a lot more enjoyable especially these blogs once I realized I can write about anything I want it made it a lot easier.     

     So yup! Summer has been great most importantly I got to do most I wanted and even with the unbearable heat it was still better than being at school.

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